Thursday, August 17, 2017

Presidential Tweets

Barack Obama tweeted about the incident in Charlottesville, VA. The New York Times reported it as the Most-Liked Tweet Ever. What did he say? Obama: "No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion..."

Duh! No one is born hating anybody, period. That's typical Obama talk -- flowery, shallow, pablum. Also, he took it from Nelson Mandela's autobiography. I'm confident Obama meant it about alt-right people. Would he say it as well about Antifa people or Islamic terrorists?

The Times' motto is: "All the news that's fit to print."  ❗😉

In order to not be accused of bias (hopefully), I will comment on some tweets by President Trump, too. Another New York Times story concerns his tweets about Amazon's paying taxes. The Times is far more correct about this than the President's falsehoods and half-truths. President Trump probably feels the need to take pot shots at Amazon because Amazon's founder-chairman-CEO Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post (since 2013), a nemesis of Trump.

1 comment:

  1. The NY Times even prints propaganda like this.
    It’s silent about purges, executions, and mass starvation.

    Click on Red Century by the author's name and see how friendly the NYT is to communism and socialism.
